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Thursday, January 25, 2007Updates! Plus...who knew I could be frugal?Well hello all you people in blogger land. I hadn’t updated in a while and a bit has gone on, so I figured that it was about time. To start off with we are finally under 200 days till the wedding. I can remember a time when it was over 400! To date it is 191! 2nd I guess is the big news that I picked out my bridesmaid dresses…they are beautiful. The way that the dress is made, it looks like a skirt and top, but it’s actually just one piece. It has a halter top with sparkles around the neckline. The skirt is floor length and flows out nicely. The color that I think I am going to choose will be Riviera sky which is a mix of blue, purple, and silver. I am getting them from “I Thee Wed” and the designers name is Alfred Angelo. The dresses take 3 months to ship, because they are shipped from Europe or Italy or one of them “Across the seas” places. I was also happy because I showed them to all of my bridesmaids and they all liked it! Who knew that I could be thrifty? Read on to find out why I say this… Last Saturday Mom and I went to AC Moore, a local craft store, and got all kinds of goodies to make favor bags. My cousin is a GENIOUS when it comes to arts and crafts, so I have assigned him the task of making the bags…somehow I don’t think he minds J Also I wanted to get one of those boxes that you set on the table and people can drop cards in but the ones on display where like $40 dollars! My genius cousin got all the materials he needed and made me one for a lot less and I have to say that mine is gorgeous! Savings: $20.00 I was looked at the flower girl baskets, ring bearer pillows and guest books at AC Moore and I just wasn’t feeling them (Or the prices…can you say $25 dollars EACH) so I went into Wal-mart and found a perfect set (Think crisscross wide lace) for a lot less that is prettier then anything I found at AC Moore. Savings: $30.00 Also, I was pricing garters at AC Moore and who knew that something like that would cost so much? Certainly not me…so I went to the “Pay per yard” lace section and found what looked like garter material (For a lot mess may I add) and I am going to make my own garter…well…my cousin is going to make my garter that is… Savings: $11.50 I also got my unity candle. I was looking all over the place for unity candle holders and when I found one they where $35 dollars! I said uuh…no! So I found a round wreath that the candle would fit in, with white roses and I found 2 smaller ones with white babies breath looking stuff and I got them to hold the candles…they look better then the candle holders did in my opinion…plus they wreaths in total where only $8 vs. $35…yea! Savings: $27.00 I guess the final steal that I got was my veil…I cannot disclose too many details because my groom reads this blog (In fact he may be the ONLY one that reads my blog) but I got the veil at AC moore for $80 dollars less then if I had gotten it from Davids Bridal or any other bridal shops…all I have to buy is a comb to be sewn on! Savings: $80.00 Total Savings: $195.50 I guess I can say that more them picky I am turning out to be a frugal bride…some may not agree, but this is all stuff that you need for a wedding, so it has to be bought. Coming up soon… Groom/groomsmen tux’s (As soon as Lucas get’s his guys together!) Finding a house (End of February hopefully) Getting bridesmaids fitted (SOON!) Cabin fever trip (Feb 30th - March 4th VA Beach trip with mom (March 30th-April 1st) Beach week with my maid of honor (June 9th-16th) I still love my Lucas! ![]() Friday, January 05, 2007Chicken Feet.. So let me tell you the story of the most memorable after school snack that I can think of. Here was a normal day for me – Get on the bus, attend school, ride bus home, tell Mom “hello” as I headed to the kitchen for a snack. Now… It had been a long day at middle school, and an even longer bus trip home. I was one of the 1st on the bus (Perk – your choice of seats) meaning that I was also one of the last ones off the bus. (Yea..there is the negative) My mother greeted me at the door with more perkiness then normal which I found a tad odd, but I figured she had just had a good day. Mom took my backpack and put it in my room and told me to have a seat on the couch. I sat down and she said that she had a surprise for me. WOO HOO! What kid doesn’t love to hear that? So I sat down and finally realized that Grandpa was there (Apparently he was there the whole time, but I hadn’t noticed up till this point) Back to the surprise…so I asked what kind of surprise it was and Mom said that it was a special snack. I was already starting to drool.. Note: I was not a picky eater and everyone knew it…I was also not a small child what so over…I came out fat and well…nothing had changed over the years Mom sat a tray infront of me and from the kitchen came a covered plate… Mom sat the plate infront of me and ever so slowly pulled the cover off to reveal… ![]() The most revolting thing that I could imagine…I was sick…my special snack was boiled chicken feet…toenails included! I wasn’t sure what emotion I should be feeling…I think the one that surfaced the fastest was sickness. Oh, but the story is not over there…the smell that came out from that plate was the most disgusting thing ever…boiled feet…ick! Now, I happened to notice through the waves of nausea that Grandpa did not seem to be bothered by these feet lying on my plate. Next thing I know he’s sitting beside me. “Oh boy” he said “These things taste so good” and started eating them…1st he pulled the toenail off and then started sucking on the toe bone…at this point I was gone…I had to leave the room. Oh, did I mention that my mother was doubled over laughing her tail off while all this was happening? Grandpa ate the whole plate (with vinegar no less) and seemed happier then a clam. I on the other hand had just had the most memorable experience with a snack ever. I know that this has nothing to do with the wedding, but I thought that it might make you smile. (No, we will not be serving chicken feet at the wedding) ![]() |