![]() | Married to Superman | |||
Monday, July 31, 2006This made me laugh...![]() I give you...the Lego Wedding Cake! This ones you for Lucas ;) I love you baby! ![]() ![]() Wanna slice? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea...I made a whoopsie! I said on one of my other posts that the wedding ws Aug 4th of 2006. As much as I wish that was true...it is not...It's Aug 4 of 2007. If you check out the post you can see where it has been changed! Sorry about the confusion...guess Im just really looking forward to getting married and want to hurry it up! ![]() Friday, July 28, 2006CountdownSo next Friday will be the 1 year count down till the wedding. I am excited and at the same time im kinda like geeze...still another year to go! So I have asked 3 of the 4 ladies that I am going to ask to be my bridesmaids to be in the wedding and all of them have graciously accepted. I am very glad to have such lovely ladies in my life that want to share this moment with Lucas and I. Lucas mentioned that I am asking people to early, but on the opposite I think I am asking in the correct time. I mean there is getting them together, fittings, orderings, alterations...yadda yadda yadda...not to mention getting the shoes sent away to be dyed. (BTW if you know that it doesn't take that long to get that stuff done don't tell me..let me feel like I am on track...thanks!) Plus asking them a year early gives them time to save money to pay for the dress...HA! Can't beat that logic now can ya...nope...*cheers self* So I called Davids Bridal to see if the brides maid dress that I wanted could be special ordered in another color other then the ones it stated it offered on the site and I got a firm, yet polite NO! Bummer...guess I will just have to opt for another place to get the bridesmaid dresses. I do have one place in mind...it's called "I Thee Wed" and it is like 5 minutes from home vs. the 45 minutes it takes to get to my nearest Davids Bridal. It comes very highly recommended and seems like a nice shop. I was actually told about the wonders of it from a co-worker (One who is NOT leaving...) who is getting married in September. Her designer is Alfred Angelo. I checked out his site and it seems like he makes some really nice clothes for some really reasonable prices. Plus my co-worker said that they ship fast if needed (Not that I need that...heehee) Well...I better get myself off break and back to work. I'll figure out the dresses I like and post pics later... ![]() Thursday, July 27, 20065 Variable Love Profile![]() Propensity for Monogamy: Your propensity for monogamy is high. You find it easy to be devoted and loyal to one person. And in return, you expect the same from who you love. Any sign of straying, and you'll end things. Experience Level: Your experience level is medium. You probably have had a couple significant loves. And you may have even had your heart broken. But you haven't really dated a wide variety of people. Dominance: Your dominance is medium. You tend to be the one with more power. You aren't a total control freak in relationships..But of course you don't mind getting you way! Cynicism: Your cynicism is low. You are an eternal optimist when it comes to love and romance. No matter how many times you've been hurt - you're never bitter. You believe in one true love, your perfect soulmate. And if you haven't found true love yet, you know you will soon. Independence: Your independence is low. This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships. It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life. In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together. Take The Test Yourself! ![]() Thursday, July 20, 2006Best, Worst, Last, First, Today, Tomorrow, Favorites, Currently, and True & FalseBest, Worst, Last, First, Today, Tomorrow, Favorites, Currently, and True & False Stolen from opinionated's blog! BEST: 1. Male friend: Lucas! 2. Female friend: Too many to put here 3. Vacation: Panama City Beach, Florida WORST: 1. Time of day: 8-5 baby 2. Day of the week: That varies from week to week 3. Color crayon: White LAST: 1. Person you talked to that goes to your school: Kelly 2. Talked to on the phone: Mommma 3. Text: It’s a tie between Lucas and Aleisha 4. Person who Instant Messaged: Aleisha TODAY: 1. What are you doing now: Taking a break from work to type this! 2. Wearing: Black dressy top and kacki pants with black pointy toe boots! (I am SO! 1 hot chicka!...lol) TOMORROW: 1. Is: Friday 2. Got any plans: Allergy shots. 3. Goal: Actually make it to work 4. Dislikes about tomorrow: Probably won’t get to see Lucas FAVORITE 1. Number: 8 2. Song: At the moment, "1952 Vincent Black Lightning” 3. Color: Purple CURRENTLY: 1. Missing Someone: YES…lots of people…some aren’t even gone yet 2. Mood: Bleh 3. Wanting: To not have to go to the meeting tonight at church TRUE/FALSE: I am a cuddler: True. I am a morning person: Sometimes I am a perfectionist: False I am an only child: True I am currently in my pajamas: False…unfortunately I am currently pregnant: False I am currently suffering from a broken heart: Not really…just kinda sad about my manager leaving. I am left handed: False. I am addicted to Blogging: False I am online 24/7: False I am very shy around the opposite gender: False and true I can be paranoid at times: TRUE!!!!!!!!!!! I currently have a crush on someone: False I currently regret something that I have done: False I enjoy country music: True w/the exception of Carrie Underwood…I would rather be gagged then listen to her! I enjoy smoothies: True I enjoy talking on the phone: False I have a hard time paying attention at school/work: True I have a hidden talent: Not sure?!? I have a lot to learn: True! I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal: False ANGER 1. Are you currently mad at someone? No 2. Which of your friends has the worst temper? None of them…it’s me!!! 3. Have you ever thrown something at anyone? Yea…nothing that would hurt them though 4. Ever had something thrown at you? Yea…nothing that would hurt me though 5. When you are mad do you prefer to stare angrily or yell and scream? Both! EXCITEMENT 1. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party for you? Yup…when I was real young 2. Are you easily excited? Yes I am 3. What you are most excited about? Small things 4. If you won a million dollars what would be your first thought? I can afford my wedding AND a place to live 5. If you could have anything right now what would it be? A husband SELF-DISCOVERY 1. Name: Torie 2. Where were you born? Fredericksburg, Virginia 3. What is your main goal in life? Be happy 4. How do you want to die? In my sleep OPINIONS 1. Sex before marriage? Nope…*sigh* 2. Gay Marriage? Not even touching this one! 3. Lower the Drinking age? No 4. Recycling? Good thing to do. DREAMS 1. What was your latest dream? I dreamed I had just gotten married and we where trying to leave for our honeymoon and people kept holding us up and I was getting irritated. 2. Have any of your dreams come true? Yes! 3. What was the weirdest dream you've ever had? That I was kidnapped by my biological father (Whom I can’t stand!)…I used to dream that over and over for a week straight every year from the time I can remember till I was about 12. 1. Straight, Gay, Bi? Straight 2. Do you have a bf/gf? Does fiance count? 3. Do you have a crush? On my fiance! Q: How many beds did you lay in yesterday? A: 1 Q: What color shirt are you wearing? A: Black Q: Name one thing that you do everyday? A: Shower Q: What color are your walls? A: Purple – in my room atleast Q: How much cash do you have on you right now? A: HAHA…none…well maybe some misc change Q: I can't wait till? A: Aug 4 2007 (Look…this is a wedding blog after all!) Q: When was the last time you saw your dad? A: This is my moms current husband, not my biological! Yesterday afternoon Q: What did you have for dinner last night? A: Macaroni and cheese! Q: What's the last piece of clothing you borrowed from someone? A: I think it was a red shirt that I borrowed from Mom for a spirit day at work. Q: What website(s) do you visit the most during the day? A: AOL Q: Does anything hurt on your body right now? A: Head HAVE YOU EVER. 1. Have you ever failed a class? Geometry 2. Have you ever sung in front of a crowd? Yup…Frosty the Snowman when I was like 5 3. Have you ever not taken a shower for 3 days? Yes…we went camping 4. Have you ever slept with a night light? Yes 5. Have you ever danced in the rain? Nope. 6. Have you ever lied? Yeah..........but I can’t keep them…I always feel bad and eventually tell the truth 7. Have you ever had contacts? Grrr…no…I tried to get them last September when I went to the Dr, but apparently my eyes are bad enough for glasses, but not contacts…go figure! 8. Have you ever tripped over something stupid? All the time! PICK ONE. 1. Samosa, Pakora, Kebab: Huh? 2. Bollywood, Lollywood, Hollywood: Hollywood…I guess…I don’t know what the other stuff is! 3. Love marriage, Arranged marriage: Love Marriage 4. Honeymoon, no moon: Honeymoon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5. How many kids would u like 1,2, 3+ : 1 or 2 6. Kulfi, Ice cream : Ice cream since I don’t know what kulfi is 7. Shah ruk khan, Orlando Bloom : Hate em' both! 8. Meenar-e-Pakistan, Eiffel Tower : Eiffel Tower 9. Lahore, Khi, Islmbad : again…huh? ![]()
Where Should You Go On Your Honeymoon? Perfect! That's our plans anyway...Pigeon Forge Tennessee to be exact after a lot of begging on my part! ![]() "'Cause ya had a bad day..." I had a really rough day yesterday. I found out that not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 but 5 people are leaving from work and I am going to miss them terribly! #1 - Sarah my manager. I have been working with Sarah since I came to the QC Department back in June 04. Sarah recently left on maternity leave and had her daughter Paige. Sarah is leaving to raise her child, and I don't blame her but everytime I think about her leaving I start crying. At least I got to cry on Lucas yesterday night. That made it better. Sarah has taught me EVERYTHING that I know about QC and her knowledge will be missed! Sarah has been with the company for 9 years. #2 - Edie the IT/IS Director. Edie is the person who told me about this job in the 1st place. Edie and I go to church together and she is a great christian woman. There is NOBODY who can replace Edie at this company, and she will be missed. I might just have to submit a ticket everytime I have a problem now...geewiz! Edie has been with the company for 11 years. #3 - Kelly the client services clerk. I went to school with Kelly, but I never really knew her till we worked together. Kelly is a spit-fire with a feisty yet friendly attitude. Kelly always smiles and has a kind word. Kelly had been with the company for around 3 years. #4 - Malika a fellow QA specialist. Malika is the jokster of the department and is always good for a laugh. No matter if she is doing the robot or singing off key (On purpose) she is a hard worker and will be missed. Malika has been here around 2 years. #5 - Arnie the guy from the ITT on the 3rd floor. I met Arnie when I was going downstairs with a lady from my department on her smoke break. Arnie is never afraid to tell his opinion, and is very complimentative. Arnie tries to be a hard tail, but he's an ol' softy! Not sure how long he's been with his company... Plus I heard that I think another one of the ladies from out group is supposed to be turning in her 2 weeks soon. We're dropping like flies people! Nothing out of the ordinary is wrong, just lots of changes and sometimes they are hard to take. Nothing I can't handle, just gotta get through it and roll on. ![]() Tuesday, July 11, 2006The Ring![]() I don't know why I never thought about posting picture of my ring before! It's gorgous and I am very happy with it - it's simple, but that's how I like it! Here is a description: Zales Signature Collection® This 18K gold solitaire engagement ring has one round diamond set in a 6-prong platinum mounting. Zales Signature diamonds include an official IGI appraisal. Your unique appraisal number confirms the quality of your diamond and is laser-inscribed directly on the Zales Signature solitaire and inscribed in the setting of the earrings and rings. ![]() ![]() Here are Keith and Nicole - just for reference to the other post and since it is a wedding shot and this is currently a wedding blog!! Wow how different they look - He being tan and gruff and she being pale and innocent looking...I wish them good luck anyways! ![]() ![]() So I have been attempting to grow out my hair, so that I can put it up for the wedding in whatever style I like right? Well, I am not one to just let my hair sit and be frumpy - I must...no...I CRAVE new styles. So I went with Mom to her hairsylest for a new style. I told the lady that I wanted to leave it long, but I didn't really care what the style was. Well, when she finished it was GORGEOUS! It was fluffed and flipped and gorgeous. Unfortunately I had to style it on my own my next day, but I did pretty good and it half way resembled what she had done. I was happy. But oh this morning...I ran out of time and the only thing that I had time to do was dry it. I not realize that my hairstyle looks exactly like Keith Urban - the country singer who just married Nicole Kidman. Now don't get me wrong - I still like the cut, but I am just thankful that I have over a year to grow it back out! ![]() Monday, July 10, 2006The Keys to Your Heart
What'>http://www.blogthings.com/keystoyourheartquiz/">What Are The Keys To Your Heart? ![]() ![]() So I think I may have found my brides maids dresses at Davids Bridal. The only problem is...they don't make them in the color that I want. I really love the design of this dress, but they don't make it in the color that I want (Pool). I may have to ask them if they can be special ordered in another color. I did see that I could get a skirt/top combo that looks similar to this in the color I want, so maybe I will go that way. Thankfully I have a lot of time to descide. Plus, Lucas Mom and family are very good as sewing and have offered to make the dresses if need be and if it is cheaper, so I always have that option, but the way I figure, I need to figure it out ASAP so that they can have penty of time to make the dresses (Just a little over a year left!) So let me know...what do you think of this dress? ![]() |